
NBFC Registration

Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) are the companies registered under the New Companies Act, 2013. Therefore, non banking financial companies' registration is absolutely essential for all these organizations under the Reserve Bank of India. Non banking financial companies are engaged with the business of advance loans, acquisition of shares, stocks and debentures and securities issued by the Government and local authorities. These days, NBFC's are playing an impeccable role in helping farmers and people from remote areas by providing loans and other financial assistance to those who are not getting any kind of supports from public sector banks. Non banking financial companies emerging the new kind of institutions for people across the country those are in need of some kind of financial help in order to start or maintain their business. There are certain registration procedures laid down by the Central Government and it's called non banking financial companies registration procedures. Chapter iiiB of the Reserve Bank Of India Act 1934 defines some rules and regulations and eligibilities for Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC).

NBFC Registration Procedure and Requirements

Any company or financial institution which was registered under the New Companies Act, 2013 must need to register under the Chapter iiiB of the Reserve Bank of India in order to work as Non Banking Financial Company. Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934 is necessary for all financial institutions to commence business as a Non Banking Financial Company. There are few rules and regulations applied for all non banking financial companies to start its operations.
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