
Investment in India

Now a days India is one of the prime destinations for investment. The consistent growth of the Indian economy and the skilled manpower availability are the main factors which provide immense opportunity for investment in the Indian market. IF we compare the position of India then it is fourth largest economy and the tenth most industrialized country and in terms of GDP second fastest growing economy in the world.

Foreign Investment in India

As there are lots of opportunities in the Indian market, the foreign investors are very excited to make investment in Indian markets, As lots of investors are coming in the Indian market the volume of foreign investment in the Indian market is increasing at a great speed and this is a good sign for the growth and progress of the nation.

Foreign Direct Investment

The foreign direct investment in India comes through a proper channel, there are two ways by which foreign direct investment comes in India one is through automatic approval by the RBI and the next is through foreign investment promotion board which takes into consideration all those matters which are not covered under the automatic route

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